Thia blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School in Auckland, through to Tamaki College.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Thursday, 8 December 2016
egg experiment

Walt: Hypothesise what we think will happen during this experiment
Write a conclusion and say what it happened
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Thursday, 1 December 2016
camp bentzon 2016

Last week we went to Kawau Island. I looked around and saw a cool place. There was a mansion on the island “Wow!’’ I said. When we got to the camp we had to go for a hike up a mountain named killer mountain. We heard there were wallabies. It was so so tiring while hiking.I was huffing and puffing and it was so boring.
When we got to camp we had lunch and skimmed some rocks then Mr Jacobson said stop, skimming rocks there's a stingray. After we saw the stingray we had lunch and played a game then we had to go so we went back to Camp Bentzon. Were so tired that we could not walk my legs were so tired, I just stopped walking. When we had free time suddenly my legs woke up and I ran to play outside.
We were playing volleyball, baseball, cricket, swimming, touch and those were the games we were allowed to play for free. The next day we had activities the first activity we did was hut building me and tivita made a man hut well Aneelis and some other girls were cheating and using other people's huts to uses for their hut.
My favorite activity was sailing because I was the man I knew how to sail but fell out of the sailing boat it was so freezing when I fell in the water. I loved camp bentzon course we had ice cream,apple crumble and bombed off the pontoon wished if i could go back to camp.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Thursday, 10 November 2016
peter October e-AsTTle Writing Test - 2016
One day their was a man his name was Jack and a girl her name was rihanna a they came on there car. And they were best friends they went for a walk to this bush and rihanna said it’s so foggy? Where are you going said jack she couldn't see and it went silent no one. Talked but you could only hear a big fat frog hopping and hopping and hopping. And Jack was running so fast it was like a police running after him. The big problem was that a crocodile was right next to rihanna.It was staring right at Jack and was so scared rihanna was knocked out and she was bleeding so hard. Jack ran away to there car to run over the crocodile when he got there he was so scared that more crocs will come finally the crocodile. ran said Jack but the crocodile was at the back of the tree and when Jack came out of the car the crocodile came out with more and more crocodiles he was so so so so scared he was shaking so fast. He just knocked himself out and the next day rihanna woke up.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
Thursday, 22 September 2016
I solve the geometry shapes by reading the numbers and counting with my hands.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Mason goes fishing
Mason went fishing at night with his sister Samantha. Then a big snapper came and Mason caught it. His sister said “put it back’’. But Mason didn’t listen he said “I want it, why can’t we take it”. Because it might have babies’’ replied Samantha “what? impossible how can you tell?’ asked Mason.
Dad came along and told them to put it back because it might have babies and we need to make sure that we have more fish in the future. That's what I said replied Samantha. Mason put the big Snapper back in the water and started crying. And the next day Mason And His sister and Dad went to Mcdonald’s for dinner.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Friday, 26 August 2016
Weight Lifting at the Olympics
My movie is about Mary Opeloge she is from Samoa and does weightlifting. She lifts 218 kilograms and came fourth in the sport she always concentrates on her final lift.
Peter Weights from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Holiday writing
On the holiday’s I went to my cousins and played on the xbox. Then we went to the pools and did bombs. And we went back home and we were playing with the lego. Then I made are big machine gun it had ballets in the machine gun. The machine gun had a rubber band inside and I but the ballet in the gun. And I shot my cousins face he was crying and then. I had to make another gun with no ballets. And it was so cool I dropped it and broke it I just went and played with my. Older brother ricky we were playing boxing with the billow. My other cousins came and played with us it was so fun.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Friday, 12 August 2016
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Never Give Up
Walt: Find and use relevant parts of text to accurately answer questions
Find proof in the text
Olympic History
Do you know when the ancient olympics started?
It started as a religious festival for the god Zeus. It started in 776 BC. Men had to run 200 yards sprinting and competing naked Women weren’t allowed to watch.
The Romans invaded Greece in 393 AD They wanted to stop the Olympic games. Two years later the Olympic games were abolished. In 1896 a French men started the international olympic committee.
Friday, 8 July 2016
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